Social Chair Events – Fall Formal

RCB Formal is just that! Every year during the fall, students from all ten res colleges come together for a fun night of dancing, eating, and socializing. The event is hosted at a different location every year, such as the Navy Pier Children’s Museum, the Chicago History Museum and the Chicago Field Museum. Fully catered, the students are free to dance the night away or explore what this year’s location has to offer. If you have questions about ticket sales, concerns, or ideas, email the VP of Social Affairs.

Inter-College Relations Events

Field Day

During RCB Field Day in the spring, all ten res colleges come together for friendly competition, food, music, and prizes. Events include, Tug-of-War, Water Balloon Toss, Gladiator (jousting), and the Chair-iot Race, where members of a res college push their respective Faculty Chair around the Lakefill in a shopping cart. Res college can also earn points through RCB Penny Wars, the Field Day Video Competition, and general spirit. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, email the VP of ICR.

Philanthropy Events

Project Pumpkin

Due to Evanston noise and safety laws, it can be difficult for Evanston children to go trick-or-treating. As such, Norris hosts Project Pumpkin, a safe place for Evanston residents to trick-or-treat, do crafts, or participate in other Halloween activities. Each res college hosts a booth during this event and helps bring joy to the Evanston community. If you are interested in participating, have questions or concerns, or need help planning, contact the VP of Philanthropy or your res college’s Philanthropy Chair.

Penny Wars

In order to earn money for Relay for Life and earn points for Field Day in the spring, res colleges compete in Penny Wars. Res college earn the monetary amount they have collected in coins, but are deducted the monetary amount they have in bills. For two days, res colleges add coins to their bins and add bills to their rivals. Sabotage is highly encouraged. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas for Penny Wars or Relay for Life, email the VP of Philanthropy.

Dance Marathon

Northwestern Dance Marathon in the winter is a campus wide philanthropy event where students dance for 30 hours straight to earn money for a local cause. Res colleges create teams that fund-raise and dance together, and the individual res college teams come together the day of DM to create a RC dance mob. For information about joining your res college’s team, concerns, or other info, contact the ​VP of Philanthropy or your res college’s Philanthropy Chair.

Other Events

The VP of Philanthropic Affairs also plans other community service events in and around Evanston. Events have previously included volunteering at the Shedd Aquarium, Clean Up, Evanston! on Earth Day, and Evanston’s Zombie Scramble for Halloween.

Academic Events

Res Talks

Res Talks is a two night event where students can come listen to Northwestern’s professors talk about topics of interest. The professors could talk about any subject, be it the subject they teach, a field they are interested in, or something more informal like music preferences or brain games. Res Talks is an amazing opportunity to learn something new or meet some of Northwestern’s esteemed professors. If you have questions, a professor recommendation, or other concerns, email the VP of Academic Affairs.

Quiz Bowl

Each winter, RCB Quiz Bowl puts the “nerd” in Nerdwestern. Teams of 1-4 people compete in a trivia game with diverse topics and have the opportunity to earn awesome prizes and eat great food. In previous years, there has also been a Spelling Bee. If you have questions about how to join, concerns, or ideas for RCB Quiz Bowl, contact the VP of Academic Affairs.


Sporcle is a trivia competition where teams of four compete for fun prizes such as Amazon or Evanston gift cards. The contestants answer trivia questions throughout the competition, get free food, and bond with the other teams. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas, email the VP of Academic Affairs.

Other Events

While RCB’s academic events have traditionally including Sporcle, Res Talks, and Quiz Bowl, events change from year to year, having recently included a crossword challenge, Democratic debate bingo, and talk by FiveThirtyEight columnist Rob Arthur.

PR Events

Website Competition

The Website Competition, occurring every spring, helps the individual res college websites stay on track. For a two week period, suggestions, helpful tips, and requirements are sent out to the res colleges so they can keep their websites updated and running smoothly, as well as meeting all the requirements laid out by the RCB Executive Board. Then, the websites are judged based on the presence of required items, appearance, and accessibility, and the top three websites win a monetary prize for their respective res college. If you have questions about the requirements, concerns, or ideas, email the VP of PR.